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This studio forms the capstone project for the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in the Architecture program. Progressing from the previous studio, which focused on urban streets, it aims to empower the urban context through a comprehensive study of its people, place, and time. Hence, develop an architectural intervention that embodies sensitivity in the meditation between architecture and socio-cultural needs, the designs of internal spaces, and the demands of the external constraints.
The studio is set to a more ‘structured exploration’ having a specific theme and direction. The thematic studio is established based on the tutor’s expertise to guide us ( students ) specifically to focus on our design interests and potential. Subsequently, we are to produce well-resolved and explored designs supported with a final design report. The project is to show evidence of appropriate design flair and technical competencies.
This semester the module and project will be incorporating a real-world scenario such as designing in the Pandemic and for the Post Pandemic period with no scientific or medical-related studies required. Moreover, work on real-life brief working on current projects proposed by the city government on the given sites. Align with Kuala Lumpur Development plan of enhancing the public amenities in the city focused on the social and cultural aspects.

Urban Construction
Urban Room
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